SKN Associate

SKN Associate

SKN Associate

SKN Associate is the leading cosmetic clinic on the Mid North Coast. Located in the boutique town of Wauchope, just a short drive from beautiful Port Macquarie - they offer a range of skin rejuvenating therapies, non-surgical cosmetic treatments, and medical-grade skincare. Their experience and knowledgeable staff use high-quality equipment and state-of-the-art techniques to produce optimal results, ensuring you feel more confident in your own skin.

SKN Associate


Registered Cosmetic Nurse
Jem is a skilled cosmetic nurse with years of experience. She knows how to tailer treatments and injectables to perfectly complement each individual client, from the treatment planning process through the follow up consultation. Her understanding of anatomy and skin aging processes allows her patients to receive effective treatments that yield great results.


Skin Therapist
Laura is an experienced and incredibly talented dermal therapist. She has the "magic touch" that can turn your skin woes into skin glows! Laura is our go-to for pick-me-ups and the ultimate in relaxation (her scalp massages are pure heaven) - not only making you feel great but providing quality skin treatments with top-of-the-range devices and products so you can trust your results will last.

SKN Associate

Current Specials


Luxe Facial Collection

Clinical Facials

Dermal Therapies

Cosmetic Procedures

Body Treatments

Skincare Pickup

SKN Associate

SKN Associate

Skn Associate

2/3 High Street, Wauchope, NSW, 2446


9:00am - 5:00pm
9:00am - 7:00pm
9:00am - 5:00pm

SKN Associate

Skn Associate

2/3 High Street, Wauchope, NSW, 2446


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